Building Your Own SUP or Paddle Board

sup, paddleboard, sea

SUPs are fairly cheap, so why build your own paddle board? Partly, for the pleasure of it! Imagine taking a little time to craft a DIY stand up paddle board, and then enjoying it for years to come. DIY paddle boards are inexpensive, too. This guide to building homemade stand up paddle boards takes you … Read more

Categories DIY

How to Make a Shuffleboard Table

shuffleboard table

Shuffleboard is an old game, having started in England in the 1400s. Originally called “shove-grout” it involved shoving a “groat,” which was a large silver coin, down the table. While similar to today’s version, shuffleboard has become more formalized, with actual tables made special for the purpose, rather than using whatever table is available. Special … Read more

Categories DIY

How to Build a Bunk Bed

playhouse bunk bed, sketch

Bunk beds are a great way to utilize space, especially for families who have a lot of children and small homes. I grew up in such a home, with my brother and I sharing bunk beds until we were teens. Using bunk beds not only frees up more floor space, which can be used as … Read more

Categories DIY

How to Make a Solar Chicken Coop

passive solar system, house, sun

As surprising as it may sound, chickens get cold. At least, they get cold if you happen to live in a part of the country where it gets cold in the winter. Actually, all animals struggle with cold winter weather, just the same as we do. Therefore, if we have those animals, we need to … Read more

Categories DIY

Building a Wargame Table

wargame table, game, toys

Wargamers are a unique breed of people. I know, I used to be one, many years ago. Most wargamers I have known will go to great extents to make their games more real, spending time and money buying characters, building models and creating terrain to play on. This is not a new phenomenon, for I … Read more

Categories DIY