Wooden Sunglasses

sunglasses, wooden

Sunglasses have become a fashion statement. What was once merely a convenience, purchased for their ability to protect our eyes from excessive sunlight, has become a fashion accessory which can command big bucks. The big brand names can charge over $100 for a pair of sunglasses, partially because of their name and partially because of … Read more

Categories DIY

Hand Carved Wooden Birds

wooden, bird, carving wood

Carving is a whole separate aspect of woodworking; one that some woodworkers specialize in and other woodworkers avoid entirely. Nevertheless, woodcarving is an ancient art, going back at least 11,000 years. Just as many ancient cultures made art, especially religious art, out of carved stone, they also made their art out of carved wood. Some … Read more

Categories DIY

Wooden Name Plate

wooden, desk name plate

Nameplates are de rigueur for offices and other formal applications. Some people even use them at weddings and other formal banquets, although that might just be for the bride and groom. While these name plates can be made from literally any material, by and large the most popular material for a quality name plate is … Read more

Categories DIY

Wooden Poster

corner brackets, inside corner bracket, surface mount corner bracket, back side of frame

Posters have become a staple of American home decor in the last half-century. What started out as a teenage fad, of mostly cheaply printed designs, aimed at the younger generation, has grown up with that generation. Today’s idea of posters isn’t just psychedelic designs, done in fluorescent paint so that they would glow under a … Read more

Categories DIY

Camping Pods

connecting bows, spline, gusset plate

Camping has been around since the beginning of human history. Long before our ancestors built the first towns or even houses, they lived in a variety of different sorts of tents. While that wasn’t camping to them, it had a lot in common with what we would call camping today. Even today there are nomadic … Read more

Categories DIY