Toddler Activity Board

busy Board toddler

Keeping the little ones occupied is an important part of maintaining mommy’s sanity. Small children can be a lot of work, as any mother knows. But that curiosity, where children get into everything, is an important part of growing up. Children learn by playing and especially by playing with things that teach them skills which … Read more

Categories DIY

How to Build a Goat Barn

goat barn, wooden, hill, nature

Anyone who has livestock of any sort knows that you have to protect them. That means protecting them from the weather as well. While animals all have a coat of fur (or plumage in the case of birds), that fur can only do so much, especially when it’s raining and the wind is blowing. Just … Read more

Categories DIY

How to Pour Concrete Steps

concrete steps, form

Concrete has been one of mankind’s great inventions, used throughout much of history and around the world. The use of concrete as a building material goes back to roughly 6500 BC. At that time, Middle Eastern builders discovered the amazing properties of lime, seeing how it reacted chemically to produce a hard surface. This was … Read more

Categories DIY

How to Make Cornhole Boards

cornhole board dimensions

Cornhole, or Bean Bag Toss, has been around in one form or another since the mid-1800s. Through the years, the game has changed some, with variations in the size of the target or cornhole board and the material used for making the beanbags or cornbags. The “official” version of cornhole began to gain in popularity from … Read more

Categories DIY

How to Make a Kitchen Countertop

kitchen, countertop, sink

Kitchen countertops are one of those projects that even seasoned do-it-yourselfers often shy away from, instead hiring someone to do it for them. But they really aren’t hard to do at all. The only thing that can be considered difficult about countertops is that you have to be careful when working with laminate or it … Read more

Categories DIY