DIY Composting Toilet

composting toilet, house

Everyone recognizes the toilet as a basic necessity of life. Our modern plumbing systems aid in keeping us healthy, by properly eliminating waste, which could otherwise contribute to the spread of disease. But what do you do if you don’t have a sewer system to hook up to? More and more, there are people who … Read more

Categories DIY

Plywood Squares

plywood, panels, boards, sheet, wooden, woodworking, carpentry, types, particleboard, cut

Thin plywood panels and shapes are used for many different sorts of crafts projects. Walk into any crafts store today, and you’ll find whole aisles dedicated to providing crafters with precut plywood squares for their crafting projects. Typically, squares are available in a variety of sizes, appropriate for a variety of different crafting projects. In … Read more

Categories DIY

Cob Oven

cob oven, oven, wood, stone

The basic cob oven has been around since the 13th century, but similar ovens, made of similar materials, have been used in other countries, much earlier than that. We find similar materials used in every continent on the Earth, and even similar styles of ovens. But cob itself is an English term, which was first … Read more

Categories DIY

DIY Plyo Box

diy,plyo,box,drill and countersink

Plyo, short for plyometric exercise, is a form of extreme aerobics, involving a lot of jumping and rapid stretching of large muscle groups. The exercises are intended to cause muscles to exert maximum force in short, quick intervals of time. This pushes the muscles to their maximum effort and endurance, stimulating muscles in a way … Read more

Categories DIY

Bench Dogs

apron holes

The woodworker’s workbench is more than just a work surface; properly made it’s an entire clamping system to hold boards you’re working. Most workbenches have two vises built into them; a side vise, which might be a leg vise and an end vise. The actual size and capacity of these vises will depend on the … Read more

Categories DIY