Wooden Christmas Tree Decorations

turned ornaments, Christmas, decoration

The Christmas Tree is one of the oldest Christmas symbols still in common use today. It dates back to western Germany in the 16th century. Some say that it was first used by a monk, using the triangular shape of the tree to describe the trinity. While it is clear that the tree has ties … Read more

Categories DIY

Wooden Nativity Set

wooden nativity, plywood

Nativity scenes are one of the most classic Christmas decorations there is. Sometimes called a “crèche” or a “Christmas crib,” the scene depicts the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem, slightly more than 2,000 years ago. While some people in modern times are trying to eliminate the religious significance of the Christmas holiday, the holiday … Read more

Categories DIY

Wood Toy Trucks

pieced together truck

Before plastics took over our world, people and companies had to make things out of different materials. If we look at the toys of a century ago, we’ll find that many toys which are made out of plastic today were made out of wood, fabric, metal and even leather. Commercially manufactured toy cars and trucks … Read more

Categories DIY

Wood Turned Bowl

finished wood turned bowl

Wood turning is a specialized area within woodworking. By and large, most woodworkers don’t turn, unless it is a chair maker who turns spindles for their chairs. But that isn’t the same as being a woodturner, who is a woodworker who specializes in the use of a lathe to make turned wood products. Woodturning offers … Read more

Categories DIY

How to Make a Guitar

guitar, diy, wooden

The guitar is a favorite amongst both folk instruments and amongst stringed instruments. While the lute is probably the number one folk string instrument worldwide, the guitar beats it out in the United States. It is a fretted string instrument, unlike violins and cellos which have no frets. It is also played directly by hand, … Read more

Categories DIY