Best Ways to Remove Deep Wood Furniture Scratches

Wood furniture, like tables and cabinets, or hardwood flooring is always prone to scratches. Usually, scratches only occur on the surface level, making them very quick and easy to repair. Fixing scratches on wood furniture usually involves using household products (like white vinegar and olive oil) or refinishing the wood to repair the indentation.

Be mindful that scratches can appear light when they are actually very deep. You can usually tell if a scratch is light or deep by running your hand along the scratch. If it’s a light scratch, you shouldn’t feel an indent. If it’s a deep scratch, you may be able to feel the wood beneath. 

Keep reading to learn how to repair scratches on wood furniture and how to get deep scratches out of wood tables.

Can You Fix Deep Scratches in Wood?

Yes, deep scratches on wood furniture can always be fixed, no matter how severe they are. Most deep wood scratches can be fixed in less than a day. Naturally, deep scratches require more effort to fix than light scars. 

Filling scratches professionally, using wood putty or wax filler before refinishing, will ensure the fix lasts longer, compared to using some more DIY methods, like adding coffee grounds to a scratch.

How Do You Fix Deep Gouges in Wood?

Carefully inspect the scratch before proceeding. Determining whether the scratch is deep or light will help determine the best course of action. Light scratches don’t require significant effort (like one of the methods below) to reduce their appearance. You are better off applying a household product, like vinegar and olive oil, to remove light scratches.

  1. Use wood filler

Wood filler is the most effective way to remove any scratch from wood, no matter how big or small the gouge/dent is. You’ll need to remove the finish from the area before applying wood filler, otherwise it won’t repair the scratch properly. 

What you’ll need:

  • Hardwood cleaner
  • A clean microfiber cloth
  • Stainable wood putty
  • Putty knife
  • Low-grit sandpaper
  • Paintbrush
  • Wood stain
  • Sealant

Here’s how to fix deep gouges in wood using wood putty:

  1. Clean the area with a hardwood cleaner and a soft cloth
  2. Rub mineral spirits over the scratch – this will remove the top layer of varnish, lacquer, or polyurethane and any wax build-up so you can access the exposed wood (where the scratch is)
  3. Wipe clean with a dry cloth
  4. Use a stainable wood putty and a putty knife to fill in the scratch – it’s best to apply too much rather than too little
  5. Wait the recommended time for the putty to dry
  6. Once dry, use fine sandpaper to level the putty out and remove any excess filler – always sand in the direction of the grain to avoid uneven ridges
  7. Re-stain the area with a paintbrush – applying the stain in long strokes in the direction of the grain, wiping away any excess
  8. Leave for the recommended time before wiping with a clean cloth
  9. Seal the area with polyurethane, varnish, or sealer
  10. Let dry for at least 24 hours before using or placing anything atop the furniture
  11. Apply a wax filler stick

Wax filler sticks are one of the easiest ways to remove dents, scratches, and gouges from wooden furniture. They look similar to wax crayons and enable you to “color” in the scratch with the filler substance. You can fix wood scratches in under an hour using a wax filler stick.

What you’ll need:

  • Hardwood cleaner
  • A clean cloth
  • A wax filler stick that closely matches the wood finish

Here’s how to use a wax filler stick to remove scratches from wood:

  1. Clean the area using furniture polish and a cloth
  2. Rub the wax filler stick repeatedly over the scratch
  3. Once filled, blend the wax using your finger
  4. Smooth the wax until it’s completely level with the wood surface
  5. Wipe the surface in the direction of the grain to remove any excess
  6. Repeat as needed until the scratch is no longer visible
  7. Finish the area with a sealant and a paintbrush, applying long strokes in the direction of the grain

How Do You Get Dark Scratches Out of Wood?

Surface-level scratches in wooden tables and furniture can sometimes be removed or cleaned using household products. However, you should always patch-test products on a small, unnoticeable area first before applying them to the scratch. Some products can be too abrasive for your wood finish, which can strip it from the surface or cause discoloration.  

You can try the following DIY methods to remove light scratches from wood:

  • Rub instant coffee and warm water over the scratch
  • Scrub black tea over the damaged area with a soft cloth or cotton swab
  • Apply mayonnaise and leave for several hours or overnight
  • Brush shoe polish that matches the finish over the scratch
  • Rub a walnut or crush a walnut and buff it into the mark
  • Melt a wax crayon and drip it over the scratch, before lightly sanding and then re-staining the surface with wood furniture stain

It’s important to remember that these methods only fix small scratches in wood, not deep gouges. If any of these household products don’t work for you, it’s best to follow one of the other more professional methods to remove deep scratches from a wooden table, like applying specialized wood filler or using a wax filler stick.

You should also be careful you don’t try one of these DIY methods and damage the wood’s grain even further. For example, if you use a shoe polish that doesn’t match the finish, this can stain and won’t achieve the desired result.

You may be able to remove the polish with furniture cleaner or a more abrasive cleaning agent (like vinegar mixed with olive oil), but always patch-test the cleaner before applying it to the scratched area to avoid stripping the finish.  

Does Vinegar Remove Deep Scratches From Wood?

Vinegar can sometimes be used to remove surface-level scratches from wood, but it isn’t the most effective method. It won’t remove deep scratches or gouges from a wood table. Because white vinegar is acidic and slightly corrosive, it’s an excellent cleaner for dark stains or marks on wood.

It can also clean dark scratches effectively to prepare them for refinishing. However, you should use caution when using vinegar on wood. The acid can react with the finish and cause white or faded patches. Always patch-test an underside or scrap piece of wood first before applying.

Does Vinegar And Olive Oil Fix Scratches on Wood Furniture?

Yes, you can use vinegar and olive oil to fix scratches on wood furniture, but it isn’t always effective. The acidity of the vinegar cleans the scratch, while the oil conditions and polishes the wood to lift the mark. Once applied, wipe away thoroughly with a damp cloth, rag, or paper towel.

Remember, this concoction only usually fixes minor scratches, rather than deep gouges. It also may not last long before the scratch becomes visible again. A better method to fix wood scratches is to use a wax filler stick that matches the wood finish. This will last significantly longer and won’t risk damaging the surface of your wooden table.

Summary: Things to Remember

  • Inspect the scratch carefully before deciding the best fix – deep scratches cannot be fixed using DIY methods
  • Be careful using DIY scratch removers from household concoctions, they can waste time or cause more damage than good
  • Always patch-test the product on an unnoticeable area before applying
  • Professional methods, like wood putty or wax fillers, are always more effective and long-lasting than any other method