Pilot Holes

pilot hole, counterbore, countersink, clearance hole

I’ve used screws as my main method of joining wood together for most of my life. It’s only recently when those screws have become largely replaced by dowels or mortise and tenon joints. Still, there are many times when screws are just the best and most convenient fastener choice to use. Of course, screw aren’t … Read more

Garden Gate

mortise, tenon

Owning a home means more than just the building, there’s the property that the home sits on as well. Granted, some homeowners buy a condominium, where exterior maintenance is taken care of by the homeowner’s association. But the majority of people buy free-standing homes, which sets the new homeowner up for a number of exterior … Read more

Categories DIY

How to Clean a Wooden Cutting Board

cutting board, wooden, cleaning, oiling

There’s a lot of false information around about wood cutting boards, mostly due to restaurants not using them. This has led people to think that wood cutting boards are dangerous, mostly because they hold bacteria, which could contaminate food. But that’s not the truth. In actuality, wood cutting boards have some antibacterial capability, as the … Read more

How to Oil a Cutting Board

oiling, cutting board

Cutting boards are a popular project amongst woodworkers, allowing them an opportunity to express their creativity on a fairly simple project, which is still extremely customizable. Design possibilities are virtually endless, especially if one has a good pile of scrap pieces to work from. Once the cutting board itself is made, it needs to have … Read more

DIY Tree Slice Table

tree slice table

Tree slices and slabs have been used as crude tables for centuries. While there are examples of elegant wood tables, such as those used by the Egyptian Pharaohs, which go back to about 2500 BC, those are unlikely the earliest tables built. More straightforward tables had to exist before those for no reason other than … Read more

Categories DIY