How to Stain Wood

Everyone appreciates wood’s natural beauty, especially woods with a pronounced grain pattern. But even the best woods can be enhanced, bringing out more of their natural beauty. That’s where stains come in. Staining wood can both change its color and accentuate the grain, making it more appealing than ever. Wood staining can also protect wood, preventing it … Read more

Sandblasting Wood: The Ultimate Guide

wood finish

Normally when we think of sandblasting, we think of working on machinery, rusted equipment and even artistic design work in stone. But sandblasting is used for much more delicate work as well, including etching glass. There are few hard materials that can’t be sandblasted to some benefit, as long as the right air pressure and … Read more

Cabinet Veneer

vintage cabinet

Upgrading and updating a kitchen is a popular home-improvement project, adding value to a home and making it look more modern, without spending a lot of money. New kitchen cabinets can be very expensive, especially if you need custom sizes. Even replacing the cabinet doors with new doors can be a costly undertaking, as those … Read more

Painting Plywood

plywood, primer, paint

Unless a project you make out of plywood is something temporary or it is just going to spend its life in the garage, you’re probably going to want to apply some sort of finish to it. Finishes enhance the appearance of the original wood, as well as helping to protect it. There are many ways … Read more

Re-Finishing Hardwood Floors with Polyurethane

floor, wooden, polyurethane, coat

Laminate Floors Laminate flooring has surged in popularity during the last two decades as an option for the home DIY type for a variety of reasons. Laminate flooring is tough, durable, reasonably straightforward to install, and visually appealing. However, laminate flooring still pales (aesthetically) as compared with real hardwood flooring and often adds value to … Read more