Plywood Slats

wood, slats, wet, water, brown

Plywood slats are a convenient option for building or updating a platform bed. They are also ideal for building, repairing, and updating boats, building a glider for your lawn or porch, and many other applications. Typically sold in sets rather than singly, plywood slats are available in a variety of sizes to suit your needs. … Read more

Categories DIY

Plywood Gussets: Strengthen Joints & Boost Structural Durability

Plywood Gussets: Strengthen Joints & Improve Durability

Modern homes use trusses instead of traditional rafters because they are stronger, cheaper, and cover more expansive spaces without extra support. Trusses are factory-made, making them efficient and easy to install. However, they limit attic space unless specially designed. Trusses are held together with gussets, metal or plywood plates connecting the wood. Plywood gussets are … Read more

Categories DIY

Transporting Plywood

car, golf, man, plywood, panel, parking

One of the advantages of working with plywood is also one of its chief problems. That is, the size of the sheet. Transporting a 4-foot by 8-foot sheet of heavy plywood, whether that means bringing it home from the lumberyard or carrying it up a flight of stairs is always a challenge. Care and planning … Read more

Categories DIY

Plastic Edging for Plywood

gunwales, boat, wooden, worker, sanding, edges

Ask any carpenter and he is going to tell you that plywood is the best material for making any kind of furniture. However, he is also going to tell you that the most annoying aspect of the plywood is its edges. You see plywood is an engineered wood having many plies of wood veneers stacked … Read more

Categories DIY