Building a Hay Bale Blind

hay bale blind, framework, sketch

Game animals have learned to fear man, which has caused hunters to adopt techniques to make it harder for the animals they are hunting to see or smell them. Whether hunting deer, turkey, or anything in between, hunters look to use blinds to make it impossible for the game they are hunting to realize that … Read more

Categories DIY

DIY Speaker Stands

angle, speaker stand, design, wood

Anyone who really enjoys listening to their home stereo or entertainment center knows that speaker placement is important. Not only does that placement affect the quality of the sound, but it can also affect where we hear the sound coming from. Speakers on the floor are great for boosting the base sound, but in the … Read more

Categories DIY

DIY PVC Greenhouse

greenhouse, ridge pole

The greenhouse is an ancient invention, going all the way back to the Roman Empire. It is the oldest example of passive solar heating, creating an environment for plants to grow in, where they otherwise couldn’t survive. Anyone who loves gardening and lives in a cold environment needs to have a greenhouse; at a minimum, … Read more

Categories DIY

How to Make a Valance Box

Valance box elements

Adding valances can dress up any window or even a whole room, adding a touch of elegance to what might otherwise be considered a rather plain window dressing. Yet you rarely find them in people’s homes. Why is that? Because valances are custom additions to a window, making them something that most people can’t afford. … Read more

Categories DIY

Screen Printing on Plywood

t-shirt, printing, plywood, man, working

Plywood is ubiquitous in the construction industry— in fact, it is almost synonymous with construction. However, in addition to its importance in the construction industry, plywood has now found use in the photography and screen printing industries. Plywood can be used as a medium for printing items as small as a photograph to large signs. … Read more

Categories DIY