How to Tell If a Wall is Load Bearing

Structural walls hold buildings upright and prevent the walls, flooring, and roof from collapsing in on themselves. Determining which walls in your property are load bearing is important when exploring remodeling plans, particularly when considering adding a new level or an opening (like a doorway), or when removing a wall to open up two separate … Read more

Categories DIY

Room Partition Walls Installation: Cost, Weight, Thickness & More

Room partitions can be used in various ways depending on your needs. They can divide up your home and help you make the most of your living space. Partition walls are great for dividing a room into two separate areas, or for sectioning off part of a room for storage, privacy, or to create a … Read more

Categories DIY

Building Landings For Deck Stairs

Mobile Home Skirting

A landing is a flat pad, usually made of concrete, gravel, flagstone, bricks, or pavers, that appears at the bottom of deck stairs. It’s designed to support the decking and provide adequate footing support to both the stairs and the deck as a whole. Most landings are required as part of US building codes and … Read more

Categories DIY

Is Epoxy Resin Good For Table Tops?

Epoxy resin comes in a wide range of colors, shapes, and thicknesses, allowing you to create a table that complements the rest of your décor. The fact that epoxy resin can be pigmented to almost any color means that it can be used to match virtually any interior design aesthetic. This makes it an incredibly … Read more

Plywood Facts & Benefits: Types, Uses, and Expert Tips

Plywood has been around for centuries, but it hasn’t always existed as we know it today.  In the modern world, plywood is used for all residential construction projects, including cabinet building, sheds, subfloors, wall panels, and bathroom vanities. However, it was used years ago for underground tunnels and minor building work in ancient Egypt. Over … Read more