Deck Stairs

stair, step run, total run, step rise, total rise, stringer

Adding a deck to a home is one of the most effective ways of adding value to it. More of the cost of the deck is recouped upon resale, than just about any other remodeling project that can be done. At the same time, it offers a lot of enjoyment to the family, creating a … Read more

Toddler Learning Tower

toddler learning tower, padded safet bar, cutout handle, supports

Over a century ago, a physician and educator in Italy came up with a new concept for educating children. Her idea was to utilize children’s natural curiosity and teach them the way they learn naturally. So Maria Montessori opened her first Montessori school on January 6th, 1907, helping children to learn through doing ordinary, everyday … Read more

Categories DIY

Porch Spindles

porch spindles

Any porch or deck over 30” off the ground requires some sort of railing, according to the Universal Building Code. If there are small children in the home, it might be a good idea to install such a railing, even if the porch isn’t that high off the ground. Children are accident prone and need … Read more

How to Install Recessed Lighting without Attic Access

Recessed lighting, or “can lighting,” is popular for adding light to a room, providing highlights to make something stand out, or providing mood lighting. It is an excellent way of giving light to individual areas of a room, especially a large one, or to make a smaller room look bigger. It provides a cleaner, more … Read more

Amish Fence Puller

Amish fence puller

Installing any fence can be a lot of work. Many people avoid it because of that. Even more, they’ll avoid putting in wire fences, whether chicken wire, livestock wire, bar fire, or chain-link fences. That’s not because those wire fences are more complicated to build than wood privacy fences; they don’t have a fence puller. … Read more

Categories DIY