Pine Plywood

pine, plywood, board, stacked, wood, lumber, sheet, woodworking, panels, thick

Pine is the most common type of wood used to manufacture plywood products of all types. Construction-grade softwood plywood is almost all made of pine. Of all the woodlands in the United States, there is more land covered by pine trees than any other type of tree. This is mainly because pine is an inexpensive wood … Read more

Spruce Plywood

spruce, tree, wood, cone, lumber, green, needles, nature

Spruce plywood is a type of wood that fits into the SPF (Spruce, Pine, Fir) class. It is also commonly known as “Whitewood” and tends to be very light in color. Of course, this depends on the exact species of Spruce being used, but generally, it is a very light-colored wood. Furthermore, Spruce plywood is … Read more

Cedar Plywood

cedar, tree, wood, river, nature, bush, forest

Cedar Plywood is one of the most popular and beautiful softwoods on the market.It  has a history of usage here in the United States that goes all the way back to the colonial era in New England. Naturally weather resistant, cedar was used by settlers for making shingles and siding for their homes. Today, it … Read more

Oak Plywood

oak, wood, lumber, panel, surface, plywood, heavy, car, garage, car, ford, toolbox

Oak has long been a favorite hardwood for furniture and cabinet making. Along with cherry and maple, it is considered one of the classic hardwoods for fine furniture. Well known for its density and hardness, Oak provides a high degree of strength, along with beautiful grain contrast and patterns. Due to the high cost of … Read more

Cabinet Grade Plywood

cabinet, grade, plywood, board, man, mature, carpenter, bearded, carrying, construction, gray, labor, laborer, lifting, lumber, male, manual, mature, pickup, truck, wood, worker, works

Cabinet Grade Plywood is a general term for any hardwood plywood used to manufacture cabinets or furniture cabinetry. While this can refer to specific hardwoods, such as oak, maple, and cherry, plywood is listed only as “cabinet grade” without mentioning the specific hardwood veneer. In these cases, it typically refers to lesser expensive hardwoods, such … Read more