How to Remove Paint from Wood with Vinegar

removing paint, exterior wood panels

By and large, when people paint things, they want those things to remain painted. That doesn’t meant that paint always ends up where we want it. Drips and drabs while we’re painting is a common phenomenon; much more common than any of us would like. And who hasn’t pulled up masking tape sometime, to find … Read more

Plywood Stairs Makeover

plywood stairs, staircase, laminate

Contractors are always on the lookout for ways to reduce the cost of building homes. This is especially apparent in tract homes, which by definition are built to be low-cost housing for first-time and middle income homeowners. While savings of a dollar or two here or there may not seem like much when doing a … Read more

Remove Heat Stains

heat stains, clothes iron

One of the things that makes wood such a popular material is its resiliency. Oh sure, we all talk about its beauty and those of us who do woodworking as a hobby love how easy it is to work with. But it was the abundance of wood, coupled with the ease of working it and … Read more

How to Seal Attic

attic, sealing

Attic sealing is an important part of controlling heating costs. As we all learned in elementary school, heat rises. So without proper attic heating, all the money we spend trying to heat our homes can effectively be going up in smoke, just as if we lit a fire in a fireplace, allowing the hot smoke … Read more

How to Fix a Screw Hole that is Too Big

screw dimensions, head angle, shaft diameter, minor diameter, major diameter, length

Whoever invented the wood screw deserves a prize. Working with screws makes woodworking much simpler than having to peg everything and screws often provide a much stronger bond than nails. But screws and wood aren’t a perfectly matched pair. There are times when the screw hole is just made too big; other times when the … Read more